
Well it’s the all important page about my workout. I will start by saying this, I don’t workout as much as you might think it do. When I started my journey I wanted to do this right. I wanted to try very specific things to get in the shape I wanted and to loose the fat I was carrying. When I began this a couple months ago I said that I was not going to workout during the first month, I almost stuck with it. I did workout five or so times. Not a lot in a months time if you ask me now. I wanted to focus solely on my diet that first month. I lost 20lbs in that month, primarily with just the diet. The second month is when things started to change.

In the beginning of the second month I started with interval running on a treadmill. I’ve always hated cardio, but I know it is a valuable tool in weight loss. What I like with interval running is that an out-of-shape person can do it and rapidly get better at it. It also breaks up the mundane task of running in place on the treadmill. It works like this: warm up, run for 1 minute, walk for 1.5 minutes, and repeat for 30 minutes. As each week passes the running becomes longer and walking changes. When you run the goal is to do as fast as you can for as long as you can. It will help build your endurance but also give your body time to relax to a good comfort. One of the nice things about intervals is that it burns more calories then running steady for the same amount of time. An app I use on my phone for this is IntervalRun from DeltaVee.

A great company that has several fantastic apps is Runtastic. I use many of the ones they have to choose from including; Runtastic Pro, Pushup Pro, Situps Pro, Squats Pro, Pullups Pro, Timer, and Heart Rate. The Runtastic app has several plans you can choose from including a basic run, interval runs, distance or time, target pace and more. All of your data is uploaded to their site and can be shared to FaceBook and others. My favorites are the individual apps for situps, pushups, squats, and pull-ups, because the work like interval running, and build up slowly. When you use these they offer you flexibility to do it from anywhere, and can be completed in a short 20-30 minutes. You don’t need any equipment with the exception of some where to do pull-ups. The few dollars they all cost me was well worth it for me.

A great book I just finished reading is Visual Impact Cardio by Rusty Moore. It was a bit scientific at times, but great information none the less. He setup a completely different way to think about weight loss and cardio that I am really excited to start. It does revolve around  interval training and also steady state cardio, but he explains what the body is doing in different states, and how to maximize what your body is doing to unlock fat burning capability. It has four different phases you can do throughout different periods of your journey. I am going to begin at the first phase and work up through them. Like I said I am really excited to start this program! I will put a link on my Facebook page for it, my Facebook page can be found here

I will continue to update this page with more information, but I still want you to be able to read what I have so far!

1 thought on “Workout

  1. I’m gonna be 58 this summer worked out most of my life.6yrs ago I had surgery for diverticulitis and they removed 2 1/2 ft of my lower colon,drive a truck 10-12 hrs a day. Stopped eating breads,rice and pasta for 3 weeks now and lost 10#s but with my crazy hours for work I’m exhausted.Every morning I wake up saying I’m gonna join the gym today till I’m on my way home.I know once I get there and make it past 3 weeks I’ll be fine just can’t get motivated to get there

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